PM Kisan 9th Installment 2021 (जारी यहाँ देखें) Check 9वीं Kist Status List

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 9th Installment 2021 जारी: As addressed by the Prime Minister of India – Mr. Narendra Modi, the list of all the beneficiaries eligible for the 9th installment of PMKSY – Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman yojana is out and live now. The Prime Minister has now released the list. You need to check the official website of the PM Kisan yojana, I.e.,, to know whether your authorized bank account linked with the PM Kisan account has received the installment of INR 2000/- or not. More than 9.5 crore farmers have received the 9th installment on their bank accounts. Across the nation, almost INR 19,000 Crore has been transferred to eligible farmers. As per the scheme, INR 6000/- is expected to reach the farmer’s bank account in three different and equal installments, i.e., INR 2000 each time. Everything you need to know related to the PM Kisan Samman Yojana has been covered in the article below. Kindly adhere to the steps provided below if you want to check the status of your application and whether you are credited with the amount on your account or not. 

आज (9 अगस्त 2021) पीएम मोदी  PM-KISAN प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना के तहत वित्तीय लाभ की नौवीं किस्त जारी करेंगे । प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय (PMO) के मुताबिक, 9वीं किस्त के तहत 9.75 करोड़ से अधिक लाभार्थी किसान परिवारों को 19,500 करोड़ रुपये से ज्यादा की धनराशि ट्रांसफर की जाएगी।

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 9th Installment 2021 Today

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 9th Installment 2021

As per the official portal updates of PM Kisan, the status of the 9th installment list is out. The list has been released, and the committed money has been transferred to the account of the selected beneficiaries. The selection was made based on the eligibility criteria where a farmer should belong to a small or marginal category having a maximum of 2 hectares of land. In addition to this, all of his uploaded documents and login credentials must be correct to benefit from this scheme. It’s quintessentially necessary for all the candidates who applied earlier for the benefit to go ahead and check the current status of their application from the newly released PM Kisan 9th beneficiary list 2021. In case of any discrepancies, the portal also allows you to check the error and get it reported there and then. The candidates who uploaded the fake or duplicate documents were straightaway rejected from the PM Kisan 9th Kist list for the benefit of all. If you have been a part of such fraudulent activities, kindly do not expect the advantages to be earned from the PM Kisan 9th installment Scheme from the government of India. Moreover, strict actions might be taken against the people who uploaded the fake documents just for the sake of availing of the monthly installment. 

PM Kisan Correction Form 2021

PMKSY 9th Installment List Details 2021 

Full Scheme Name PMKSY – Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman yojana
Department  Indian Agriculture Department 
Launching Party Central Government 
9th Installment Date 9th August 2021, Today
Scheme Launch Date February 2019
Official Website Link
Beneficiaries Small and Marginal Farmers
Installment Number 9th
Installment Amount  INR 2000/-
Total Amount Released in the 9th Installment  INR 19,000 Crore

PM Kisan 8th Installment 2021 Status Check 2021

How to check the status of PM Kisan 9th installment Beneficiaries List 2021? 

  • All the beneficiaries who applied or registered for the 9th installment of the PM Kisan Benefit Scheme need to visit the official online portal, I.e., 
  • Go to the ‘Home Page Section.’
  • Proceed further by checking the ‘Farmer Corner’ link present in the menu bar.
  • From the above step, you will be able to see the option of ‘Beneficiary List.’
  • It would be best to hit the above option, which will redirect you to the new page.
  • From there, click on the ‘Dropdown Menu’ present on the main website.
  • From the ‘Dropdown Menu,’ select or choose your district, state, fill in the village’s name, Tehsil, etc.
  • Once all the options are chosen and correctly entered by you, then hit the ‘Get Report’ link to avail the report.
  • After hitting the above option, a beneficiary report will get open on your screen. 
  • You will be able to view the list of all the beneficiaries in your area.
  • From the list, search for your full registered name, and it will reflect the status of your application in the portal if shortlisted.
  • If your name is not there in the list, then your name will be added to the next set of beneficiaries list.

PM Kisan Tractor Yojana 2021


Why can’t I see my name on the updated beneficiary list of the 9th installment?

The non-existence of your name in the latest beneficiary list might be due to the initial registration after the final beneficiary list was made. In such cases, your names are valid to be included in the next set of indexes. 

What is the reason behind the rejection of my application?

The apparent reasons for the rejection are initial registration done via fake accounts, fake documents, incorrect or incomplete detail, or not falling under the preset eligibility criteria.

Is the 9th installment beneficiary list 2021 out? 

No, the 9th installment beneficiary list 2021 is not yet out and updated in the online portal. 

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