Otto Wichterle Who is He — About Contact Lenses, Quotes, His Age

Otto Wichterle Who is He — Contact Lenses, His Age: Google Doodle is celebrating 108th anniversary of Czech chemist Otto Wichterle. Otto Wichterle is most well-known as the inventor of contact lenses. Today Google logo is showing tribes to Otto Wichterle with its unique design. Wichterle is holding a peace of lense upon his fingertips, light reflecting on the Google Logo, as representative of eyesight. Wichterle invented the modern soft contact lens. Today more than 140 million people are using contact lenses for their eyesight needs around the world. To know more about the Otto Wichterle read the information mentioned below on this page.

Otto Wichterle

Happy birthday, Otto Wichterle

Otto Wichterle Who Is He

Otto Wichterle was born on 27th October 1913 in Prostejov, the Czech Republic (then, Austria-Hungary). He was a science lover from his youth. Wichterle earned his doctorate in organic chemistry in 1936 from the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT). He developed an absorbent and transparent gel for eye implants in 1950s while teaching. Due to some political issues he pushed out of ICT. In 1961 Wichterle made the first four hydrogel contact lenses on Christmas Day. According to the website of the Contact Lens Museum in the United States, home made equipment  built using a children’s building kit, a bell transformer and his son’s bicycle dynamo. After creating the first version of contact lenses he produced over 100 lenses by spin casting and completed his patent application. He was died in the same town on 18th August 1998. Those who are curious to know more about the Wichterle researches, life, death, age, pronunciation visit our website

Research Name Contact Lenses
Invented By Otto Wichterle
Wichterle Birth Date 23rd May 1913
Died 18th August 1998
Article Category News

Otto Wichterle Age – Birthday, Death

Wichterle died at the age of 85. He worked with many other patent during his lifetime as a researcher. The invention of contact lenses is a boon for the world or the people having weak eyesight. Wichterle’s invention of contact lenses laid the foundation for state of art medical technologies. Now-a-days the use of contact lenses is very common, almost youth who are preparing for the competition exam are using contact lenses, it is not possible to study without contact. We all are very thankful to Otto Wichterle for helping the world see eye to eye. There were lot of challenges remain in scaling up the mass production of the products and keeping the price approachable.

Otto Wichterle Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are the result of accidental discovery during the world war second. There are two categories of contact lenses; (i) Soft lenses, (ii)  Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses. Following the country’s establishment in 1993, Wichterle was elected the first president of  the Academy of the Czech Republic. Otto Wichterle did great inventions for the welfare of human being. He taught as a professor at his alma mater during the 1950s.

Otto Wichterle Quotes

The search engine google has created a colorful logo in the honor of Otto Wichterle. There are number of quotes of on Otto Wichterle which are as follows:

  • Wichterle was a Czech Chemist best known for his invention of modern soft contact lenses.
  • Google said “Happy birthday, Otto Wichterle, thanks for helping the world see eye to eye!”
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Who Invented Contact Lenses?

Otto Wichterle.

What did Otto Wichterle Invent?

He invented the Contact Lenses.

At what age Wichterle Died?.

Otto Wichterle died at the age of 85.

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